“Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

While Ryan's parents were visiting, we got to soak up the rich literary history of Concord. We began with Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House, home of Little Woman.
Our next venture was the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery. The cemetery is the burial site of some America's greatest authors and thinkers.
Downtown Concord. I have started noticing all of the pictograph storefront signs, designed to inform those who are illiterate of the store's purpose.
Our Favorite: Walden Pond. Henry David Thoreau
lived on the shore of the pond for two years as part of an experiment. His account of the experience was recorded in "Life in the Woods", and made the pond famous. The land was owned by Thoreau's friend and mentor, Ralph Waldo Emerson.
The Old Manse House: home to many notable writers, such as Emerson and Hawthorne.