Sorry to blog about poop. Yes it's disgusting, however it seems to play a really big role in my life at the moment. Yesterday at church Lyric had the explosion of all explosions. I was holding her in the hallway chatting, when an onlooker asked if I knew that I had poop running down my arm.
(Of course I do... it is suppose to be there.) So, we rush off to the bathroom to clean up, until I realize that I already used the two diapers that I had packed. I sneak back into the hallway, poopy baby in tow, find my husband, send him out to the car to grab a spare, and rush back into the bathroom. While trying to clean up, Tatum pops her head in and informs me, that daddy can't find a diaper. Frustrated, I wrap up naked Lyric in paper towels and try to sneak out to the car. Of course, everyone stops to talk, and then needs an explanation. While heading out to the car, Lyric decides to pee... Tatum and I were the target. We manage to get to the car, find a diaper and rush home. Baths for all!