Our little Lyric is one month old... she has found her place in our family quite nicely. We all love her so much... her hair often has the lovely aroma of spit... from all the kisses her brother and sister give her. She is a little cuddle bug and loves to be snuggled tight all day by anyone willing to hold her. She has just recently flashed me a few non gas related smiles and I just love it! It makes up for all the sleepless nights when I know that she recognizes me and is happy to see me. She still is quite the sleeper, we are about ready to break out the foghorn to get her to stay awake while eating. When she is awake, she thinks that she is starving and will convince any bystander that we don't feed her by ferociously sucking on her hands. She is gaining weight, though... she was 9 pounds yesterday. She was 20% for weight, height, and head, so tiny, but proportionate. We are certainly enjoying watching her little personality unfold.